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Carbohydrate metabolism disorders

Carbohydrate metabolism breaks down the sugar in our food. This is a vital process for our body; because carbohydrates (sugars) are the most important source of energy for our organism.

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Der über den Stoffwechsel gespaltene Zucker gelangt durch die Dickdarmwand über die Blutbahn in unsere Körperzellen. Die häufigste Krankheit des Zuckerstoffwechsels ist zu 90% der Alterszucker (Diabetes Typ 2), gefolgt von Diabetes Typ 1 und wenigen Fällen von sonstigen Störungen  (Diabetes Typ 3).

Other disruptions include:

Type 3A: genetically damaged pancreas

Type 3B: genetically damaged insulin action

Type 3C: various diseases of the pancreas or trauma

Type 3D: hormonal diseases of the pancreas

Type 3E: chemicals and drugs as cause

Type 3F: infections, cytomegaly, congenital rubella as triggers

Type 3G: rare immunological mediated form

Type 3H: many other genetic forms, such as Down syndrome or Turner syndrome.

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